We all learn through experience. We learn how to navigate through sharing those experiences.
01 — We are an experience.
Relationships are illuminating. We share our energy with another person in hopes of them liking us and hopefully loving us through all the trauma we didn’t even know we had. They unlock areas within us that we never knew existed. Relationships can propel us into truly finding out who we are and who we want to be.
02 — Do you truly know what you want?
As you’re growing up, everyone starts off on the same path. We eventually all splinter off following our family’s direction, our passions or society’s general guideline. All of our internal clocks begin ticking louder at some point tricking us into thinking we’re going to run out of time.
03 — Two or more things can be true at once.
Once we figure out what we want, the next step is fitting that into what we feel our purpose is and balancing those scales of heavy and light. You can want to be in a relationship, but are you willing to compromise your wants and needs to share physical and emotional space with another person? You can want to be a parent, but you may not know how that will fare with work and finances or how this will alter the quality of life you’ve become accustomed to.
04 — It takes more than a village.
You hear that it takes a village to raise a child. That child is a life within other lives and raising someone or yourself does not stop at the age where you’re supposed to be able to take of yourself. You may also realize that once you have a child, they begin to teach you about yourself all over again. “Finding your tribe” seems to make all of the difference these days.
Sharing real life experiences makes it real for everyone.
Opening up can bring awareness to situations that everyone may be dealing with, but many are not willing to be honest about. Sharing brings forth resources and solutions.